Standard Costing Types, Meaning and Objectives

objectives of standard costing

The sum of spending and variable efficiency variances equals the controllable variance. Here, the efficiency variance of the three-variance method is further analysed into fixed and variable components. The spending variance is the responsibility of the foreman who is expected to keep his actual expenses within the budget. It indicates the cost of capacity available but not utilised or not utilised efficiently and is considered the responsibility of the top management. Performance variances should be separated from cost variances.

  • Basis for job evaluation and wage fixation – Once the standard costs have been compiled, they can be used as a basis for job evaluation, provision of incentive schemes of payment for employees etc.
  • A standard is essentially an expression of quantity, whereas a standard cost is its monetary expression (i.e., quantity multiplied by price).
  • In the year 1994, the average price of copper is Rs.80 per kg.
  • Forwarding variance analysis reports to management for appropriate action, where needed.
  • A standard should not be very high to cause frustration, but still it should be high enough to expect a reasonably diligent effort for its accomplishment.
  • These standards are, however, difficult to set because they require a degree of forecasting.

The use of standard costs and knowledge of relationship gained through establishment of standards are useful in budgetary planning and control. In these standards, level of performance expected is higher than level of performance expected in normal standard. But this level is higher enough to expect reasonably diligent effort for accomplishment. By analysing the variances, management may concentrate on significant deviations from the standards and take corrective action. Besides helping price fixation, standard costs also enable management to make decisions with regard to submission of quotations, answering tenders, etc.

Disadvantages / Problems / Limitations of Standard Costing System

Now these element-wise cost variances are analysed critically to find out the exact causes or circumstances leading to it, so that the management can exercise proper control. A suitable analysis will reveal that some of the variances are controllable while others are not so. Its main purpose is to provide basis for control through variance accounting for the valuation of stock and work-in-progress and in some cases for setting prices.

objectives of standard costing

Standard costs are determined for different elements of costs, including the standard cost of direct materials, direct labor, and various overheads. Thereafter each standard cost figure is to be deducted from the actual cost of inputs of materials or cost of labour or cost of overheads respectively, and the result is called cost variances. If the standard cost is higher than the actual cost then this variance is to be considered as favorable to an organisation.

Standard Costing – Estimated Costs (With Reasons)

The management of the business have to decide which standard they must use that is suitable for the needs of the business. The aim of calculating this cost of a product is to measure the performance of the business and control any deviations from the standard costs. This cost is used as a benchmark for monitoring and controlling the performance of the business in the future. A pre-determined cost which is calculated from management’s standards of efficient operation and the relevant necessary expenditure. It may be used as a basis for price fixation and for cost control through variance analysis.

It contains quantity and price of each class of material used, grade of labour, labour rate and time and overhead rate for each product. The name of the variance is self-explanatory, denoting the differences between the standard cost of Materials and the actual cost of materials. The materials cost variance is between the standard material cost for actual production in units and the actual cost.

Comparison of Forecasting and Outcome

If managers are insensitive and use variance reports as a club, morale may suffer. Management, by exception, by its nature, tends to focus on the negative. According to this viewpoint, it is not costing but how standard costing system costing functions, as well as how much it delivers, that is important. Costing is a faithful servant for managers within an organization. It aids managerial decision-making from all practical points of view.

  • Similarly, standard costing is a traditional cost accounting method.
  • Standard costing involves using the predetermined costs/standard costs to compare with the actual to find the difference or variance.
  • Classification or grouping of accounts is essential for standard costing.
  • Its frequent revision is thus, the only disadvantage of this type of standard.

These standards may be good to spotlight trends, but they cannot form basis to gauge efficiency. (iii) Identifying the reasons for the difference between actual performance and standards through variance analysis. Standard costs are pre-determined costs computed before commencement of production. The need for standard costs arises owing to the limitations or weaknesses of historical costs.

To establish a routine of reporting to the management.

It is used in standard costing which is a special technique to control costs and can be used in conjunction with any other system. Following our discussion on standard costing; you should explore our guide on cost accounting. The use of standard costs is a key element of a management-by-exception approach. If costs remain within the standards, Managers can focus on other issues. A standard costing system initially records the cost of production at standard.

  • Performance variances should be separated from cost variances.
  • They are used primarily to measure trends in operating performance.
  • By comparing actual costs to standard costs, management gains valuable insights into the performance of various cost centres.
  • Another particular method that is used within cost accounting is Standard Costing.

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