David Sharff “Sexual Relations. Sex and family from the point of view of the theory of object relations “

The book is devoted to the mutual influence of the individual and the family, as well as the role of sexuality in family relationships. Its author David Sharff is a psychoanalyst, professor of Georgetown University, one of the few specialists who used the analytical approach when working with pairs.

The book is devoted to the mutual influence of the individual and the family, as well as the role of sexuality in family relationships. Its author David Sharff is a psychoanalyst, professor of Georgetown University, one of the few specialists who used the analytical approach when working with pairs. He described his clinical experience from the point of view of various concepts, including psychoanalysis, the theory of affection and the theory of object relations. The publication is addressed to specialists – psychoanalytic and family psychotherapists, sexologists – and those who are interested in the problems of interaction in the family.

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