Future Value FV Formula + Calculator


Still, there are some external economic determinants (e.g., inflation) that can adversely impact the future value. If by-hand calculations aren’t something you look forward to, you can also find future values using tools like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. By this logic, the $20,000 the real estate buyer pays you today will be worth $20,808 in two years if you invest it according to plan.

In this case, future value calculations are only an approximation. The future value of a lump sum of money allows a small business owner to evaluate an investment, taking into account the current market rate of interest and the amount of time the investment will be held. The future value of a single sum of money is important to businesses because it allows for the calculation of the rate of return on an investment. The calculation of the future value of an investment is one of the most basic calculations in finance.

Interest Rate Conversions

For an present value formula that makes one payment per year, i will be the annual interest rate. For an income or payment stream with a different payment schedule, the interest rate must be converted into the relevant periodic interest rate. For example, a monthly rate for a mortgage with monthly payments requires that the interest rate be divided by 12 . See compound interest for details on converting between different periodic interest rates.

  • This methodology can be used to analyze any investment that has an annual cash payment and a terminal or salvage value at the end of the time period.
  • The time value of money is the concept that the value of money today is worth more than the value of that same lump sum in the future, assuming you put today’s money to good use.
  • Using the above example, the same $1,000 invested for five years in a savings account with a 10% compounding interest rate would have an FV of $1,000 × [(1 + 0.10)5], or $1,610.51.
  • For example, future value would estimate the value of $1,000 today invested at 10% interest for 5 years.
  • The value of the annuity dropped in smaller increments from $7,722 to $6,145 to $5,019 .

The https://www.bookstime.com/ is applicable to Personal and Corporate decisions. Fair value can refer to the agreed price between buyer and seller or the estimated worth of assets and liabilities. Euler’s number is a mathematical constant with many applications in science and finance, usually denoted by the lowercase letter e. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts.

Future value of an annuity

The interest rate itself must be changed to reflect the interest rate per time period. The annual interest rate must be divided by the number of compoundings in a year. Future value is the calculated value of an asset or cash flow at a specific point in the future.


The Compounding periods per year cell must have a number in it other than zero, otherwise the formula will return a #DIV/0 error. If an interest rate is compounded annually, enter 1 in that cell. Suppose you wish to save some money for renovating your house in 5 years. You deposit $3,000 to your saving account at an interest rate of 7% compounded monthly.

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